What Makes the Spring Rebloom Facial So Special - By Allegra Kay

 In our quest for healthy glowing skin, the focus is usually on the external. Cleansing, exfoliation, various masks, lasers and even machines can produce desired results and there is certainly no limit to the products available to purchase! But there is a whole world living UNDER the skin, one that needs attention and care in order to truly nourish and bring about a glow that no face cream could ever create. This is the lymphatic system, something that must be addressed in holistic facials.


    The health of our skin is largely dependent on the quality and flow of our lymph system. There is a saying in the holistic skincare world: “no flow, no glow.” When we are overburdened with stress, sleeping poorly, not nurturing ourselves with proper diet and hydration and not moving our bodies enough the lymphatic system slows down. This can show up in our faces as congestion, breakouts, puffiness and dullness. Fluid can accumulate around the eyes, under the jawline and around the ears, which leads to a lack of vibrancy…that magical GLOW we are searching for.


   Incorporating facial lymphatic drainage helps to restore the flow by gently “pumping” the built-up fluids and creating space for fresh circulation and nutrients. Think of a creek that gets dammed up by debris; we are helping to gently move the blockages. When the detox pathways are cleared, over time congestion and breakouts can be cleared and vibrancy can be restored to the skin cells.


  While all of our facials at Menari incorporate some sort of lymphatic drainage, our limited time Spring Rebloom was created to pay special attention to your delicate but strong lymph system around the face and neck. Just as we must prep our spring planting by cleaning out the winter garden, the focus of this facial is to help move out the stagnation to bring about fresh energy to your face. The result (besides being majorly relaxed) is enhanced tissue plumpness and a firm, lifted feel to the skin. Featuring all Laurel Skin products, this 100% organic plant-based treatment will leave you ready for the new season!


 By: Allegra Kay, Lead Esthetician at Menari Body Works