What Makes the Spring Rebloom Facial So Special - By Allegra Kay

 In our quest for healthy glowing skin, the focus is usually on the external. Cleansing, exfoliation, various masks, lasers and even machines can produce desired results and there is certainly no limit to the products available to purchase! But there is a whole world living UNDER the skin, one that needs attention and care in order to truly nourish and bring about a glow that no face cream could ever create. This is the lymphatic system, something that must be addressed in holistic facials.


    The health of our skin is largely dependent on the quality and flow of our lymph system. There is a saying in the holistic skincare world: “no flow, no glow.” When we are overburdened with stress, sleeping poorly, not nurturing ourselves with proper diet and hydration and not moving our bodies enough the lymphatic system slows down. This can show up in our faces as congestion, breakouts, puffiness and dullness. Fluid can accumulate around the eyes, under the jawline and around the ears, which leads to a lack of vibrancy…that magical GLOW we are searching for.


   Incorporating facial lymphatic drainage helps to restore the flow by gently “pumping” the built-up fluids and creating space for fresh circulation and nutrients. Think of a creek that gets dammed up by debris; we are helping to gently move the blockages. When the detox pathways are cleared, over time congestion and breakouts can be cleared and vibrancy can be restored to the skin cells.


  While all of our facials at Menari incorporate some sort of lymphatic drainage, our limited time Spring Rebloom was created to pay special attention to your delicate but strong lymph system around the face and neck. Just as we must prep our spring planting by cleaning out the winter garden, the focus of this facial is to help move out the stagnation to bring about fresh energy to your face. The result (besides being majorly relaxed) is enhanced tissue plumpness and a firm, lifted feel to the skin. Featuring all Laurel Skin products, this 100% organic plant-based treatment will leave you ready for the new season!


 By: Allegra Kay, Lead Esthetician at Menari Body Works

What you need to know about Microneedling- By Allegra Kay

What is Microneedling?

By Allegra Kay

  There is a reason microneedling is one of our most popular facial services at Menari. Chances are you have heard of it and the amazing results, and it is on your list of things you “just have to try.” You know it involves needles and can help with everything from acne to fine lines but what IS microneedling? What does it really do, and how does it feel? We are going to break down everything you need to know about this transformative treatment.

  Another term for microneedling is Collagen Induction Therapy which is exactly what it does: promotes new collagen formation by relying on the skin’s innate self-repair process. This is done with a pen-like device that uses tiny needles to create a micro injury to the tissue.  Skilled and licensed Advanced Practice estheticians (meaning they have undergone extra training) can control the depth of the needles; and will choose the depth based on each client’s unique needs and sensitivity levels.

  Collagen is a protein that is a building block for the skin, hair, muscles, tendons and ligaments. As we age, collagen production decreases and in the face that shows up as sagging skin and loss of firmness. Microneedling brings that precious collagen back to life and returns the glow and youthfulness to your face. It can also treat active acne and acne scarring, fine lines and hyperpigmentation.


  In a typical microneedling treatment at Menari your skin will be numbed and your esthetician will apply a hyaluronic acid that the pen will push into the deeper layers of skin, creating deep hydration. The treatment also includes a dose of relaxation with a neck and shoulder massage. Your esthetician will send you home with aftercare instructions and make sure you have all the information you need regarding number of sessions needed and proper homecare. All in all this is a minimally invasive treatment that packs a powerful punch in changing your skin; and we look forward to seeing you!

— Allegra Kay, Lead Esthetician at Menari Body Works

What is Holistic Skincare?

What is Holistic Skincare?


Part 1

All day long we are bombarded with info. Whether it is helpful, informative, or just plain annoying, we have to sift through so much information that is can seem overwhelming on what to actually DO. This is especially true in the wellness and self-care world; we all want to take care of our health and wellbeing but how do we know what is right for us and what do all these terms actually mean?

At Menari, we want to slow down the speed and quiet down the noise for you by providing an experience of total relaxation. We do this by addressing the person as a “whole,” which is why we pay attention to each detail of your service from the moment you walk in the door. We especially do this with our holistic approach to skincare. So what exactly is a holistic facial and what sets it apart?

Holistic facials involve treating the skin and the person as one. We aim to understand the root cause of skin imbalances and work to energetically support the mind, body and soul so we can keep these in balance. The goal is to heal the skin, not harm it through the use of toxic and harsh chemicals. We don’t just want to help you relax; we want to help flush out toxins from the skin and encourage collagen production and cellular repair. This happens through a curated process that involves targeted and gentle massage of the face and body, skincare that utilizes potent botanical ingredients and lots of extra details like aromatherapy and cozy surroundings.

Speaking of skincare, we have thoughtfully chosen three lines that we believe embody the holistic philosophy. Osmosis, Laurel Skin and Honua are all professional lines that truly heal the skin. When paired with relaxation, these products and the hands of our experienced estheticians will leave you glowing from the inside out!

— Allegra Kay