Give yourself the gift of a

Monthly Self-Care Membership

Your body will do anything you tell it to... CONSISTENTLY. 

Both massage and facials build upon themselves each time.

In a massage, it's like peeling an onion. Each session we get through one layer so that next time we can get down to the next. You want to make sure the first layer doesn't come back before your next session. 

Facials are like that deep cleaning you get at the dentist. What you do at home MATTERS and then you come in to get what is below, clean everything up and reset, restore and rejuvenate regularly. It's about supporting your skin's health. Something that we forget to do, or sometimes need some help learning how. 

Make your self-care a priority. We all do better at life with a full cup. Right?

Sign up for monthly memberships at your next appointment and book a few out so that they are there for you. Then self-care becomes a habit, not a last-minute thought. 

Monthly Membership Details

- No sign-up fees

- Customizable

- Cancel anytime

- No contracts

Exclusive Perks

10% off Add- Ons for massage or Facials

10% off additional treatments during the month

10% off Osmosis Skin Care

Exclusive first notification for sales and specials